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Two short articles from Mr. Harihar Raj Joshi are interesting enough. The one entitled HYE CHO – The First Korean to Visit NEPAL has made Mr. Joshi the first Nepali to discover Hye Cho on Nepal. This is just the glimpse of his rendering in Nepali, Newari, Hindi and Korean later on. The other article Kumagansan or Mount Kumgang or the Diamond Mountain: the Seat of Vajrayana, ignites academic curiousity and invites scholars to further study and research on this interesting point to ponder over.

Contents of the Current Issue:
1. HYE CHO – The First Korean to Visit Nepal Download PDF
– Harihar Raj Joshi

2. Kumagansan or Mount Kumgang or the Diamond Mountain: The Seat of Vajrayana Download PDF
– Harihar Raj Joshi