- Kholchapokhari, Chakupat Lalitpur
- milanshakya75@gmail.com info@nibs.com.np
Nagarjuna Institute of Exact Methods (NIEM) was established as a Buddhist Research Institute in March 1980 with a view to enlighten Nepalese people about their own form of Buddhism, its philosophy and practice. Nepalese Buddhism is a unique tradition in itself. The nature of this tradition was observed centuries ago in Nalanda and Vikramashila Universities. Tibetan Buddhism was based on the same tradition. It has retained all the lineage and traditions of the Siddhas of India, Nepal as well as Tibet. For reinstatement of the glorious traditions and lineage of Nepalese Buddhism we have to seek the support from the four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism. Nagarjuna Institute of Exact Methods aims at this very purpose of restoration through the following means:
- Conducting meditation courses like Margakrama (Lam rim), Purvagata Carya (Ngondro Practice), Avalokiteshvara Sadhana, Bodhicitta Bhavana, Nirvikalpa Samadhi, (Meditation on Emptiness) under the guidance of Nepalese and Tibetan Buddhist Masters.
- Conducting classes on Philosophy and Practice of Buddhism in all its phases of development.
- Organizing discourse programs form eminent Buddhist Masters.
- Publishing the translation of Buddhist texts into Nepalese and English languages form Sanskrit and Tibetan.
- Conducting research projects on Buddhist culture and religion.
- Conducting seminars and symposiums on Tibetology and Nepalese Buddhist Studies etc.
Publishing annual journal ‘Buddhist Himalaya’ in English. - Publishing a newsletter “Dharmadhatu” to promote Tibeto- Nepalese Buddhist Studies.
- Establishing a Buddhist Library with research facilities.
- To execute above aims and objectives we have formed following board of directors.
Board of Directors
1) Spiritual Directors:
Ven. Thrangu Rinpoche and Ven. Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche
2) Directors :
Mr. Min Bahadur Shakya
Mr. Bhakti Das Shrestha
Ven. Sumati Sangha
Dr. Vajra Raj Shakya
Nagarjuna Institute of Exact Methods (NIEM) greets you with its maiden issue of the Bulletin. This Institute was established and designed to function as a bridge for Nepalese Buddhism. This bulletin, I hope, will serve for promoting literary and cultural activities in the field of Nepalo- Tibetan Buddhist Studies. Some regular discourse programmes, starting of Nagarjuna Institute Publications, and its free distribution to its Nepalese audience have been initiated. Along felt need to train Nepalese college students in Buddhist studies have been actualized this summer.
I cannot hide the burning problem of this Institute to develop as a full-fledged Independent unit in the face of shortage of funds. Until now it has not been able to secure its own office room. We have collected Books on Buddhism about 500 in number and about 100 photo copies of rare texts on Mahayana Buddhism, Buddhist History and art. Well Wishers are requested to fill up the Membership Forms, available with this issue of Bulletin. Contributions and suggestions are appreciated.
1. With the collaboration of Himalayan Yogic Institute, this Institute has sponsored various discourse programmes under Ven. Geshe Lopsang Jampa with Ven. Sumati Sangha as interpreter for Nepalese Buddhist devotees. The topic includes following subjects:
a) Jorcho Practice
b) Seven Instructions on cause and effect
c) Exchange of self with others
d) Through transformation in eight stanzas
e) Ratnavali of Nagarjuna
f) Parting from four attachments
2 Ven. Geshe Jampa Losang, another Buddhist Master from Sera Monastery delivered a discourse on Chandragomin’s TWENTY VERSES ON BODHISATTVA VOWS at the premise of Golden Temple, Patan at Jan. 29, 30th, 1989. About 300 Nepalese Buddhists received the teachings.
1) Going to Refuge by Thogme Zangpo
2) Thirty Seven Practices of all Buddha’s sons by Thogme Zangpo
3) Three Principal Aspects of the Path by Lama Tsong Khapa
4) Thought Transformation in eight stanzas by Langri Thangpa
5) Confession Sutra, Bodhisattva vows, and others.
The cost of this publication was borne by Mr. Bhakti Das Shrestha, a member of Board of Directors of this Institute.
2. The Institute has also published its Bi-annual journal ‘BUDDHIST HIMALAYA’ vol. 1, No. 1 & 2,1988.
3. A Quarterly Bulletin has also been published on the occasion of 2533rd Anniversary of Lord Buddha’s Birth, Enlightenment, and Parinirvana Day.
1. To mark the auspicious occasion of 2533rd Anniversary of Lord Buddha’s Birth, Enlightenment, and Parinirvana Day a summer session of BUDDHIST STUDIES PROGRAME commenced on 27th May 1989 for college students, at the premise of Aksheshvara Mahavihara, Pulchowk, Lalitpur. Ven. Thrangu Rinpoche, spiritual directors of this Institute inaugurated the opening ceremony. Rinpoche blessed the students by offering teachings on Buddha Nature. The summer session was started from May 27th, two hours each on Saturday and Sunday evening for the period of three months. The topic includes the following subjects:
1) History of Buddhism in India.
2) History of Buddhism in Tibet.
3) Jewel Ornament of Liberation.
About forty students are participating in the programme.
2. The Winter Session on Buddhist Studies Programme will commence from September 1989.
A French Buddhist scholar Miss Shanta, author of LA VOIE JAINA visited our center. She came to Kathmandu for her research work on ‘Buddhist Nuns in the Himalaya regions’. During her stay in Kathmandu she interviewed all the distinguished Buddhist nuns both Nepalese and Tibetans. She contributed to the Institute her valuable work LA VOIE JAINA and also a copy of Mahayana Sutralamkara translated by Sylvain Levi. Besides, she also offered some books on Bhutan and a dictionary on English-French-English. She has become ‘Hon. Director’ of this Institute for the term 1989-1990.
Past Events (1988)
2. Ven. Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, one of the spiritual directors of this Institute offered a seminar course on ‘Lamp of Mahamudra’ for practitioner and jewel Ornament of Liberation for beginners in the premise of Kanying Shedrup Ling Monastery near Bodhnath Stupa, Kathmandu in the month of October, 1988. About 100 westerners and a dozen Nepalese Buddhists participated in it. Participants also visited Nagi Gompa where they received teachings from H. H. Samarpa Rinpoche and Pointing out instructions from Ven. Urgyen Tulku Rinpoche.
1) Lalitavistara Sutra
2) Suvarnaprabhasa Sutra
3) Gandavyuha Sutra
4) Dasabhumika Sutra
5) Lankavatara Sutra
6) Saddharmapundarika Sutra
7) Samadhi raja Sutra
8) Astasahasrika Prajna Paramita Sutra
9) Tathagata Guhyaka Sutra
The Release ceremony was held in the premise of newly built private monastery of late Bekha Ratna Dhakhwa called Bauddha Santi Niketan, Kamaladi. Amidst the distinguished gathering of Nepalese Buddhists Pandit Dibyavajra performed his Dharmapuja according to Nepalese Buddhist tradition along with melodious hymn of Samantabhadra carya by a group of lay practitioners. Panditjyu also explained briefly his summarized translation.
April 22nd, 1989
3) Buddhism and Arts.
The venue of Seminar was in Aksheshvara Mahavihara, Pulchowk, Lalitpur.
June 4th – July 4th, 1989 Lam hbras Seminar
Nov. 10th -Dec. 10th, 1989
As the previous years Kopan Monastery near Bodhnath announces its one-month course in Lam Rim Meditation. Contact Himalayan Yogic Institute. Tel. 413094
Oct 13th – 24th, 1989