- Kholchapokhari, Chakupat Lalitpur
- milanshakya75@gmail.com info@nibs.com.np
Nagarjuna Institute of Buddhist Studies generally offer two short term programs of three months each for the academic year.
'A' Level Program
- PPHS103: Prajna Paramita Hrdaya Sutra (Heart Sutra)
- History of Prajnaparamita Literature
- Prajnaparamita Hrdaya Sutra
BPP104 – Bodhipathapradipa
- Life and Works of Atisa
- Bodhipathapradipa
BCA105 – Bodhicaryavatara
- Life and works of Santideva
- Bodhicaryavatara
VB106: Vajrayana Buddhism
Note: Questions and Answer Session after the scheduled class hour